Twenty-Five Years Later...

Twenty-Five years ago not one person could have ever spoken or convinced me that I would ever know, embrace or celebrate the happiness and joy I am living in my life TODAY. 
Not one person, not one church, no one!

Am I implying that there have not been ANY mistakes,
hardships or mud puddles along the way?   Absolutely NOT!! 
That would be to imply living a life half  full.
What kind of a life is that anyway?  
I have walked, stumbled, fallen, climbed, crawled 
and then ran too-where and when I could to get to
this very point in my life.  And so can you!

I know with an absolute certainty that without having met and developed my personal relationship with something much greater than me and the world around me, a being I personally acknowledge as my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, that I would not have ever arrived here...inside the very moment of my joyful life today!

Today, I am a wife, a writer, a mentor and,  a very proactive advocate in the areas of both Criminal Justice and the well-being and safety of children.  
Every living being on this earth has a divine purpose.

"For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you, 
says the Lord, thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and 
not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome."
Jeremiah 29:11
 "If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, 
and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet 
with a success unexpected in common hours." 
~ Henry David Thoreau
There exists a tender intimacy between a man 
and a woman who pray together.
Prayer is a very special and important part of my 
life shared beside my Husband Curt.
I am so very grateful for my life and everyone and 
everything in it! I especially thank GOD 
for blessing me with such a kind, loving, 
and wonderful Husband. I give GOD all the glory!
"There is no greater wonder than the way the face and 
character of a woman fit so perfectly in a man's mind, 
and stay there, and he could never tell you why. 
It just seems it was the thing he most wanted." 
-Robert Louis Stevenson
 "In the sweetness of friendship; let there be laughter and the sharing of pleasures. 
For in the dew of little things the heart finds its morning and is refreshed." 
-Kahlil Gibran
 The Happiest Day & Moment of my Lifetime-
My Wedding Day-June 25, 2011
The day I married my very best friend in this world!
Genesis 2;18
The LORD God said, 
"It is not good for the man to be alone. 
I will make a helper suitable for him."

                                              Proverbs 2: 1-6
                                    1 My son, if you accept my words
                                      and store up my commands within you,
                                                2 turning your ear to wisdom
                                      and applying your heart to understanding—
                                                3 indeed, if you call out for insight
                                      and cry aloud for understanding,
                                                4 and if you look for it as for silver
                                      and search for it as for hidden treasure,
                                                 5 then you will understand the fear of the LORD
                                      and find the knowledge of God.   
                                                 6 For the LORD gives wisdom;
                                       from his mouth come knowledge and understanding. 

Over two decades later...we as individuals 
and as a Christian couple, are still becoming...along life, 
along love and along TIME literally, in every season that we are traveling 
forward together as followers of Christ.

The Continuity of Becoming

I am but a timeless traveler along the paths that I have walked. 
An occasional weeping willow in a remote and vast stretch 
of land that had once  been unclaimed. 
I am a dreamer, a pensive weaver of thoughts
and musings that at times appear perplexing.
I am a feeler of the deepest stirrings 
of my own emotional insistence.
I am who I am after all that I have ever been, 
done, felt, or seen.
I am this surviving spirit with patched up wings
Motherless or Fatherless-.
I am the wind through many trees 
and the rain of forgotten storms.
I am who I am on the journey of becoming...
more and sometimes less...
I am 'me".

(c) Mina-Leann Sowell 2011


  1. Very beautiful and truthful story. JESUS gives us a real purpose and a meaning in life. So I find these very truths of a real joyful life in this story. James Gutierrez Antioch,CA

  2. Thank you for visiting and for your kind feedback James in Antioch, California! May the ever-present spirit of our Lord continue to bless your Faith.


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