Prisoners of Time

Among my passion for writing, I also am very active in the area of mentoring ex-offenders-those who have been to prison, as well as encouraging and somehow watering the living spirits of those currently behind bars across the country.  Why?  I have been asked.  Why NOT?  Because I simply care about these unique individuals who are nonetheless, human beings too- my brothers and sisters in Christ, regardless of the mistakes they have made against society.  I believe Martin Luther King Jr. spoke it more clearly:
 "All labor that uplifts humanity has dignity and importance 
and should be undertaken with painstaking excellence.
An individual has not started living until he can 
rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic 
concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity." 
-Martin Luther King, Jr.

Furthermore:  Because Jesus Instructs His followers to remember 
and have compassion for the next man or woman, despite their shortcomings.

Hebrews: 13: 3
"Remember those in prison as if you were their fellow prisoners, 
and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering."

 This was composed for prisoners around the world currently condemned to Death Row


A timeless spread of silence
A space so undefined
A starless sky
The moon eclipsed
In death I'm now confined
My heart no longer beating
My eyes no longer see
My ears no longer listening
My speech no longer free
Release me unto the sound of gentle streams
That gather in the forests of night
Beneath the moon
As stars are spilled out of the heavens
Like cream
Bathed in a celestial splendor of resilience
I move forward, pushing on again
Beyond the night
At the edge of night I tip-toe quietly again
Creeping between the dawn and sunrise
Barefoot and barely conscious of the sensations
That now permeate the physical and spiritual being of me
I venture beyond the perpetual spirals of TIME.

(c)  2012 Mina-Leann Sowell

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