Friday, May 30, 2014


I Found This Wonderful Post Last Night As I Was Reading. It spoke volumes to me.
There Was No Title... Just An Unknown Author Named : "Phazed"
**I wanted to share this with you because a lot of people come to me and tell me they have anxiety issues, depression, or they say "I don't know what I want" or "I don't know where I should be".
Here are the ways I have overcome my anxieties, depression, and the core of my desires.
First of all, I want anyone reading this to notice one very important thing.

No matter where you have been, no matter where you will go, notice that you are always right here, right now. Notice that "home" is not as much an external place as it is an internal state of mind.
You could warp to the end of the universe, and yet you would still find yourself "here" and "now".
Now I'm no psychologist or PHD person, but for me, a lot of burden, anxiety, disappointment, was relieved when i stopped trying to be in control of every aspect of my life.
The more you have intentions and the more you focus on having things go a certain way, the more likely you are to find yourself in a situation you don't want, or you may find yourself disappointed most of the time.  -Relax, nothing is under control, and they don't need to be.
My depression also left me when I realized I am not who I was in the past, I am not my mistakes, 
I am that which has grown from them. If you find yourself in your mind looking back at mistakes from yesterday, or even last year, you will find yourself in a vicious cycle of self-hurt and identifying yourself with a mistake.  In this case, you will feel like everything about you is wrong and not going well.
Live in the past, and you will be depressed, live in the future, and you will be anxious, live in the now, and you will be at peace.
Now when you find yourself in situations where you go "what do I want to do, what should I be doing?" If you can't come to a solution via asking yourself this question, then you should try approaching the question from a different angle.
What are your intentions? What do you truly intend at the very core of your being?
Another way that may help you find an answer is to accept that you don't always have to do something. In fact, even when you do nothing at all, you're doing quite a lot of good for yourself.
Sometimes your body naturally desires for you to meditate, you would be surprised how many answers and relief can come to you this way. Be self-compassionate,  Don't be too hard on yourself .
No one can take "now" away from you except yourself, enjoy it, its beautiful as it is .

Have faith in life, have faith in the moment, become spontaneous with it, play with it like you dance to the music. You don't have to think about how to dance, you just do!  Resonate with life, become one with it  And you will notice, all your worries, anxieties, depressions will start dissolving, and your ego will slowly but surely become obsolete.
Life is your home, not a room with 4 walls and a ceiling.
Written By: Phazed    

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